Sunday, October 23, 2011

Dragon Age 2 review

BioWare released following their hugely popular game Dragon Age: origins, March 8, 2011. Expectations were rising, great watched trailers, and many people were pumped - as I. It is my thoughts on the game. It will contain the spoilers. I'll put the word (spoiler) in each title to which underlying paragraph contains information plot beyond what is detailed trailers and interviews. Spoiler alert ends with the following title.

(SPOILER) The plot

The plot is less obvious than in the first game, where your objective was clear from the outset - save Ferelden from Tan. This time you are thrust into the action as a refugee, fleeing from chaos to Ostagar with your family. You run in a few people along the way and quickly make your way to the town of Kirkwall. This is where the action takes place. Part of the main plot, which I detail here, is clear for you throughout, but it will take a long time, long until you realize that the final battle will be all words. Some may prefer the predecessor report, some may not.


Where Dragon Age: origins provided a large map of Ferelden, with several different places to visit scattered throughout it, Dragon Age 2 gives you a more consolidated location. Most of the action takes place in the town of Kirkwall or on the nearby mountain of Sundermount. The members of the party are no longer in a camp, but rather are located throughout the city, living in their own homes, suites, and regional settings. This is a little more expensive, geographically, talk to everyone, but for extra realism.

Classes are the same as before, they are Warrior, ROE and Mage. Improvements have been made on them, and I personally, think that they were all fun to play now - in the previous game, I found ROE and unemployment to be rather dull.

However and this is a big however, this game suffers a little tedious as well. Many area, such as caves and mines are very similar - sometimes identical - and the same locations are often used for several quests. This is a strange feeling when send you several groups even unfair sick of the cache. Fact one asks how the Act to allow that to happen!


This was not the first graphical game, it was simply not an impressive visual experience. This game has very little progress on this aspect. Textures are more detailed, the landscape is more lively and everything seems to be just more impressive. The game looks like distinct Mass Effect in Bioware games in terms of graphics, which was a pleasant improvement of Dragon Age: origins.

The experience of combat

Dragon Age 2 offers a completely redesigned battle experience, and now the characters will be actually doing things - rather than the first game, where they almost repeated the same dull motions again and again. Now the characters jump on jump rogues, strike and arrived safe, even the Magi have already obtained a few fairly mild strokes. Overall, the experience of combat is, for me, more noticeable improvement.


The town of Kirkwall was some unrest, but it's not much. Some NPCs walking around talking among themselves, or, at least, to exchange short conversations or stories. However, you cannot talk about most of them. In fact, the only people that you can talk about are people who have something to do with a quest - found this tedious. People just upright people, with no option to interact. Makes the city feel dead where no there was no NPC agitation (who was only sometimes). You would often perform in a band of thugs in the streets during the night only to have an old man just standing there, looking at gazes into space while you are killing people by the dozens. He considered unrealistic and empty.

Like Dragon Age: origins, there is a decent amount of banter party, and you can hear a few hilarious gems exchanged between members of your group. Some quite naughty!

(SPOILER) The members of the party

Varric: A merchant dwarf who hates the deep roads and likes to drink at the tavern, "the hanged man." He felt as a definitive replacement for Oghren in the first game of Dragon Age. Varric is a sympathetic character and adds a lot of humor to the game.

Hazelnut: Hazelnut is a capable attractive Warrior and a member of the guard of Kirkwall. Or, as said Isabela, a mannish do-gooder. Hazelnut is generally law and the law.

Isabela: The pirate naughty Queen who made a brief appearance in Dragon Age: origins is one of the main characters of this game. It is always a rumble, in every sense of the term and a very powerful thug. It is bright mind and, as such, it provides plenty of humour to the experience. It tends to support a bit with hazelnut, that they reside on both ends of the spectrum.

Merrill: An engaging, socially awkward, confusing Elf mage with his own dark secrets. Who is in the magic of blood, it can cause quite a stir.

Anders: A human mage who played an integral role in Dragon Age: origins awakening expansion. After merged with a spirit of Justice, he hates the Templars with a passion, and it has some of the solutions are, well... call "radical."

Fenris: A Warrior, capable Elf with a greatsword and scarred by Lyrium-infusion. He hates mages and slavers, as its history remained it a slave to a Tevinter magister.

Bethany/Carver: Only one of these will be used, depending on the class to which the player chooses. If you choose Warrior or ROE, you get Bethany, who has a close relationship with the character, and if you choose a mage, you get Carver - with a thorn in his side to his brother mage (you).

Several characters in the first set to make a brief appearance, as Alistair, Leliana and Flemeth.


Combat is great, the characters are interesting, the graphics are good enough for a RPG and RPG elements are quite alright, as well. I doubt that they you state the needs of the most hardcore RPG-old veterans, but for most of us, it is quite good enough. The game loses points for its defined lack of chatter ambient, interaction, storyline and its repetitions.


I give 7/10. It is a good game, think again - but his repetition makes the quite poor replayability, and is a bad thing for a RPG game.

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