Saturday, December 25, 2010

The game: solitary Mahjong

The advent of solitary online games mahjong became one of the most popular. This type of game is different from the traditional or solitary definition. This is a set of tiles which involves matching to cancel the agreement and reveal the imaginary treasures included for rewards of the game.

This game was first introduced on the universities and colleges such as student projects. American companies such as Activision is interested in the game and possibly development in a game online. First of all, online game format was introduced in 1986. He was named "shanghai" and a version has been created for a platform for Macintosh.

The game consists of 144 tiles with different models, such as numbers, flowers and the seasons. The tiles are placed in a grid which is mostly higher on the portion of part. In the version of the computer, lay-out is randomly created by the computer. Lay-out, created by the computer is in different designs, size and height.

Given this situation, mahjong solitaire is easy to understand the game and is attractive to most players. This is the reason why game popularity. It is also free and involves no monthly premiums to keep the game. The player would be just log on Web sites with mahjong solitaire and play the game. The player can play in so far as it can without having to worry for whatever payments.

Solitary Mahjong is also a desirable set for all ages. This game can be used for the game ends. Of players would finally location in this regard, the amount in question are not important due to the functionality of the game easily reached. It takes a long time and strategy before the game produce a winner or loser.

The winner of a mahjong solitaire is determined by a point system. Each tile has a point further. Character for example won a point, circles to earn both points and bamboo earn three points. The player who wins the most points is considered the winner.

On the whole, solitary mahjong is one of the best ways for people to relax and unwind. It involves no additional expenses and monthly payments. The only requirement for this type of game is a computer and an internet connection. It is offered in different Web sites and players have the freedom to choose what they want from the offered set.

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