Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Xbox Live: Trial Indie Game - smoky sky

We go there. I have to play another game of indie Xbox Live just now called sky covering. If you have never heard of sky smouldering thats ok, it left less than a week on Xbox Live indie games market. Developed by Distinction games this old-school top-down features fantasy shooter a dragon as a protagonist with envirements lush and boss battles.

When you start heaven covering your greeted by some options from the main menu. You have "new game", "Continue Game", "Level Select", "Best score", "Orders", "Credits" and "exit Game". The trial allows you to only play a gamemode and thats new game. The controls are fairly simple to understand and their top goal smouldering low sky style gameplay. Left thumbstick is move your main character. B button is to use bombs and right trigger is to fire. You can also change weapons by pressing the A button.

Sky steaming is one of those indie games, in my view that some things on the right and too evil. First, without points of control or shields. Even some old school top-down shooters have shield upgrades. No checkpoints either. If you die, you have to start all the way. It was frustrating after diaphragm and enemy shooting 1 million and in Octopus Rose pattern (which draws black ink to you) to die and start over again all the way. I understand that sky covering wants to be labelled as the old school, but the overall gameplay flow fairly well not to have put in place control points. For some aspects, the game feels kinda cheap in the gameplay Department.

The visuals are quite good. The dragon protagonist does not look good and its animations look pretty robotic. However, the backgrounds seemed wonderful. The level of the sea under the water, I played on the effects of the water of nice features with the work of good texture and bright colours. Enemies varies between starfish and blue and Red orbs. Sound design is not good even by the standards of indie games. The sound effects of fire and enemies thus gets pedantic very quickly.

There are many power-ups covering sky to upgrade your weapons. On the right side of the screen is a bar which shows your game data. This latter shows your overall score (I have 57,074). It also shows the levels of your bombs and other levels of data weapon. Its good to have this side bar still showing while you play so you can keep track of stats without interruption of the game.

Over the years, I played many top-down shooters such as Blazing Lazers, legends Guardian and many others. Covering something lack of sky. It is fair to say that simply missing "it"? The fair game did not appear happy to play. And finally, it is all that really matters. Thank you for reading.

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