Monday, January 17, 2011

Why world of Warcraft is so amazing

World of Warcraft is the most played online role-playing game. Millions of people play every day. There are plenty of good reasons for this.

Some of the most important and most interesting facts about World of Warcraft:

# 1: It's like the real world only better.
Actual experience of playing the game isn't far from reality. You have a character. And every day move you your character by completing challenges and solve problems. The main difference is the time and magic.

You can do things that are impossible in the real world. For example you can cast spells, exploring the amazing terrain and have all the time in the world to do so, Mount creatures of fantasy and much more. Do you all these amazing things much faster than in reality.

# 2: 12 million subscribers cannot be mistaken.
This large number of subscribers, 12 million of October 2010, is greater than the population of many countries. It contains a lot of people from different cultures. They all have a common interest: World of Warcraft.

# 3: Get rich without trying.
Becoming rich in the real world requires years of toil patience and a little luck. Become a rich, it is not the thing easier to do in World of Warcraft, yet you will be much less time. The rewards are immediate and they last.

# 4: Hang out with your friends online and cool things together.
There is no better way to strengthen your relationship with your friends just by engaging in difficult things together. Beating a nearly invincible boss or helping each using magical powers will also create stronger social bonds in your everyday life.

# 5: Create new alliances with thousands of people around the world.
A great way to evolve and develop your social relations is playing World of Warcraft. For example, your new relationships may be useful if you want to travel around the world.

# 6: The third expansion pack arrived.
The game is better every day. Cataclysm, the third expansion pack arrived. It brings new challenges, new breeds and new lands to explore.

# 7: That you build your character you pride and experience in the process.
Evolution in this artificial field can be really satisfying. The most experienced and you complete quests, better you feel. You feel powerful and you have a character evolved to prove your value.

# 8: You have many options to choose.
As in the real world, you can become whatever you want, if you try hard enough. In this game, you can be a man or a killer whale or part of any other race of dozens of races.

Become an expert Player isn't easy at all, but it's worth. To become an expert player, make sure that you master the ways of producing WoW gold. Gold flow of the game and without a lot of it, some of the challenges will be impossible to accomplish.

World of Warcraft is probably the best game ever made. It has something for everyone. You cannot go wrong playing and completing its entertaining and challenging quests.

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