Friday, December 24, 2010

Zero Wing Review

This accordjeu is just wow, I want to say is opening more great/worse, that I have ever seen in my entire life to a game of wow. This game is suffering from horrible translation, the most famous is "all your base are belong to us". The introduction of this game is so unique that it is just unbelievable, bad I want allows you to search this opening up to on you tube, but I warn you that you'll see is so extraordinary yet so bad that your head can explode.

In addition to opening bad history seems quite right-front, your team gets put in place by some guy named "Cats", and you are going to take it much justice as the game. Yes, the story is quite dull and stupid that you just don't care about all this and fairer than the game to start, but you're hoping the game is not as bad as the opening...

Before that I'm going to talk about how the game plays in fact I first discuss the controls. A and C of the buttons are used to fire your weapons, while the B button sprouts a kind tractor beam, you can use for an enemy ship "seize" and launch and other pressing the B button once more. Pressing up and Down on the D - pad steals your ship towards the top and bottom, respectively, by pressing the left and right do your expectations.

This game is a scrolling shooter side space expect that some force of life or of type R, but you don't get with the game chooses not to enjoy all that I want to say that I am playing what I just seems not to have fun, it feels so boring and slow while games like type R are fun, exciting and stimulating, but this is so boring. Why can't play Scott Pilgrim instead of this?

Okay difficulty of the game, this is terribly screwed here is why: the normal setting is extremely easy, given that there is a balanced number of enemies and power-ups make the game more easy is a good thing, but here is the thing, the easy setting enemies more than the normal parameter and power-ups help much. Tell me now, these differences are fair? they mix the difficulties? you care about? Anyway, not only is poorly translated, slow and boring game, but it is also poorly programmed I am seriously shocked at how this game is screwed arise... just IEA I have never seen anything like this before but hey it is Japanese, so it is good law.

Finally we arrive at something that is not bad, graphics are actually quite good and everything design produces too many ships, explosions, the beams, the background and etc... good graphics while good must not marginally well, explosions are so AFESD, it's not even funny and everything is so much stock and stupid, but hey at least it seems asset type.

While this game graphics okay, music is a good thing and it actually matches all measures that are going on, but sound effects are just good example: when your fire your weapon it goes: pewbancbancBanc, which is extraordinary and threatening that I feel like a small child with a gun to fire false. Explosions are not much better either it is not strong and cool is essentially a "hop" type of sounds... that is the only way I can describe.

I did play this yet again, what are smoking you?

This game is terribly wrong, I can't stressed that enough I not even speak bad opening, because it is poorly translated into English that doesn't count, but the difficulty, sound, design and the fact that it vents me are all terrible bad, I'm sorry, but this game gets note it deserves: 3.5 on 10.

I thank God that I do not play this game once more, Scott Pilgrim vs. time worldwide.

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